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"The BE STRONG Poem"  

Two Special, powerful words that we can all benefit from!

Bstrong poem 2.jpg

                      BE STRONG

BE STRONG when all odds are against you,

when nothing seems to be going your way.


BE STRONG when the opposition is mighty

and your knees are weary, when your spirit

is low and your burden heavy.


Stand tall for God is on your side, He will be

 your help, He will be your guide.


BE STRONG when that gentle breeze becomes

a raging storm, when the grass beneath your

feet turns to thorns.


Stand up, square your shoulders and move on.


BE STRONG when they say it can’t be done,

and they tell you to turn and run!


Say no! That’s a coward’s plight. I’ll stand my

ground, with God my battles he will fight!


“When circumstances tempt you to despair, courage

 is a friend to those who dare to stand STRONG!”


Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; 

do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Product Description: 
 "Be Strong Poem with eagle and flag background"

Beautifully printed on thin metal plate with glossy finish, mounted on gorgeous cherry wood plaque. Each plaque features a wall hanger and stand upright system with metal pegs.  This delightful plaque will go well with the most exquisite furniture.  

Coming soon will be a series of scenic backgrounds, for a selection of choices for your customers.


 Retail price: $23.95

Retail price: $23.95
Wholesale price: $16.00 ea. Wholesale order: 24 Minimum

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